Innova therapist

A Faster, Easier


EHR Solution

for Senior Care Therapy

Innova’s “Intelligent Clinical Ops™” is a faster, easier and more powerful EHR solution for senior care therapy. This comprehensive, user-focused system enables therapy providers to optimize business and patient outcomes in an increasingly complex rehab environment. With an initial launch in skilled nursing, Innova's "cloud-based" platform will soon operate seamlessly in multiple therapy settings including Home Health, Assisted Living, and Independent Living, as well as Virtual Therapy.

Imagine ONE EMR software system... with seemless operation in MULTIPLE therapy settings.

powerfully simple.

Innova Health 90s man with phone

Does Your EMR System Remind You of the 90's

For All the Wrong Reasons?

EHR software was designed way back in the 90’s… and not much has changed since. That was a fun era. But today, most people could do without all the boy bands, rollerblades and dial up internet. Likewise, most therapists would gladly do without the slow, clunky and cumbersome nature of the 90’s EMR technology that remains with us today.

Haven’t we all waited long enough for the future to arrive?

the engineers

To Build a Better EMR system,

We Let a Bunch of Therapists

Get Bossy

With Our Engineers

Most EHR systems are designed by software engineers. And while ours are among the best, we thought therapists should have a hand in the process too. We started by asking them what they liked… and what they didn’t like about their current EHR software. Without being caddy, let’s just say one list was a lot longer than the other.

In the end, our therapists got what they wanted… and our engineers did too… a faster, easier, more powerful approach to Electronic Health Records.

excited operator dancing

We Talked to Operators Too,

and They Got Pretty Darn Excited

Ok, maybe not this excited, but they were definitely enthusiastic. A lot of them wanted to help us with the project. Some even invested. Why?... because we understand that post-acute rehabilitation is changing fast, but EHR systems haven’t. Therapists don’t just treat in one location anymore, and sometimes they don’t even deliver care in the same therapy setting. Outcomes management tracking is more critical than ever, and value-based payments are quickly becoming a reality.

We’re addressing the challenges of a more demanding post-acute rehabilitation environment… and more.

hands raised

We Want Your Thoughts Too

We want to make sure that we’ve eliminated all the things people hate about their current EHR system, so we can make one they’ll love. If you’re a Therapist, Director of Rehab or in a Leadership position, we’d love to get your perspective too. Drop us a line at if you’d like to share you thoughts...

At Innova, “user-centric” isn’t just a catch phrase… it’s a company core value.


The Solution is “Simple.”

Current EHR solutions are a complex web of add-ons, workarounds and bandaids introduced to keep up with an increasingly complex healthcare world. “Why not start with a clean slate,” you might ask?... because EHR providers simply don’t want to incur the time and expense. But we did. By starting at the beginning, we were able to create a cloud-based system with a more streamlined workflow, less clicking and scrolling, fewer fillable fields, and none of the manual workarounds required with today’s systems.

The end result, is a simpler approach to EHR...

and in simplicity lies POWER.

Power to the People

While simplicity and ease-of-use have been key areas of focus in the development of Innova’s new Intelligent Clinical Op’s platform™, we also made it smarter and infinitely more powerful through innovation… and a lot of late nights.

Take a look at the things we’ve been working on to make life easier... for therapists and operators:

Could This Be Love at First Sight?

Have a look at our layout and design... and you just might fall in love. You’ll discover a modern, clean look with inutitive controls, more white space, larger font and softer colors that are easy on the eye… and the brain.

The result?… a faster workflow experience, more intuitive navigation, and best of all… a little fresher perspective at the end of the workday.

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Lower Your Pain Scale

Being a therapist has never been so demanding. So we're bringing a little more joy back to the job by reducing the time they need to spend on their EHR system, so they can spend more time with patients. To make it faster, we had to make it easier too. By creating a more intuitive workflow, with more flexibility, we were able to eliminate a lot of the pain points that frustrate clinicians and and ultimately slow things down. Because its so simple, Innova's Intelligent Clinical Ops™ is also very easy to learn. In fact, most therapists are up to speed with the system in just a couple days... often without any formal training!

Ultimately, our goal was to create more time for therapists to do what they love most… treat patients!

Check list

Sounds Great.

How Can My Company Get Involved?

Thanks for the interest! Currently Innova's Intelligent Clinical Ops™ is being piloted in several skilled nursing facilities in the U.S. to make sure the experience is nothing less than great. Our initial launch is slated for mid 2024 with our Advisory Board facilities who have graciously dedicated their time and knowledge to the project. At that time, the platform will also accomodate contract rehab providers with the addition of our billing module. Innova's broader launch is scheduled for late 2024.

In the meantime, we’d like to invite you to share your contact info so we can share the latest news and updates.